Recorded in the spring of 2010 and then mysteriously archived by Prince before its release, thestatement albumWelcome 2 Americadocuments Princes concerns, hopes, and visions for a shiftingsociety, presciently foreshadowing an era of political division, disinformation, and a renewed fight forracial justice. The album features some of Princes only studio collaborations with the bassist TalWilkenfeld, drummer Chris Coleman, and engineer Jason Agel, with additional contributions from NewPower Generation singers Shelby J, Liv Warfield, and Elisa Fiorillo and keyboardist Morris Hayes, whoPrince also recruited to co-produce the album.
Release date July 30th, 2021
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Recorded in the spring of 2010 and then mysteriously archived by Prince before its release, thestatement albumWelcome 2 Americadocuments Princes concerns, hopes, and visions for a shiftingsociety, presciently foreshadowing an era of political division, disinformation, and a renewed fight forracial justice. The album features some of Princes only studio collaborations with the bassist TalWilkenfeld, drummer Chris Coleman, and engineer Jason Agel, with additional contributions from NewPower Generation singers Shelby J, Liv Warfield, and Elisa Fiorillo and keyboardist Morris Hayes, whoPrince also recruited to co-produce the album.
Release date July 30th, 2021
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listen to music , all prince , i enjoyed it . prince was unique person and his music always reflects it . i enjoyed the cd and would recommond it for purchase . so far one of favs. quality too .
September 14, 2022
I had 2 buy 2 of these! Love Prince and I'm happy to hear new music by him.
Charlene Orozco
January 6, 2022
I bought 2 of these one for my friend so she could listen to the AWESOME cds! I totally enjoy every song on the RAINBOW CHILDREN just FANTASTIC!
December 23, 2021
It was definitely a Prince CD, but I was expecting more Prince and not so much of his protoges on the cd. I do enjoy it though.
December 14, 2021
My purchase took many months to deliver the package because I live far away from the US and in the meantime I had read some reviews of "Welcome 2 America" on the web... many of them said it was a minor release, or that it wasn't that strong album everyone expected. Maybe because of that I was expecting a lower quality product... When I finally could listen to it I said to myself: hey, this is a polished product, a whole finished album, with songs and production on Prince's actual level... This is how Prince sounded during these last years. What else could have expected? If it had been the record of his life, he would have released it on its time. But for Prince fans this is a valid discovery, another gem: a span in time (previously unknown) were we can dive in and rejoyce.....
December 6, 2021
Love this album along with everything Prince has ever done!!
October 1, 2021
I love the music and like most of Prince's music, you have to listen to enjoy and once you really listen, then you are a fan forever!
September 30, 2021
He was so ahead of the times. Love the music.
September 30, 2021
What can I say, brilliant as always.
September 23, 2021
Welcome 2 America is another musical masterpiece. It is so relevant. Prince never ever disappoints.
September 23, 2021
I have to admit I like rocker Prince more than ballad Prince, but this album delivers both. And, as usual, the Master presents his god-given lyrics that provide a punch as well as sheer joy in their exquisiteness and poignancy. At first I was worried that it would be second rate offerings from the cutting room floor. Now I realize it's a gift from the afterworld. Wow. Just wow.
Jeff Orndorff
September 17, 2021
The music on this CD/album is incredible. Just like every Prince album I own, there are always 5-6 songs which are fantastic. Positive music. Thoughtful music. Excellent rhythms...funky. If you are even a minor Prince fan, this music will put a smile on your face.
Nancy Pfiester
September 16, 2021
I am impressed and excited to hear the great Artist, Prince! Who else would we be marveling at even after he is gone from Earth? Born 2 Die is great and I am still processing all the meanings and verses from entire tracks. Love the female vocals throughout, and The Prince throughout as he admires America and admonishes America.
September 13, 2021
As expected IT IS EXCELLENT! Just reordered CD for birthday gift giving. Will browse the store for other items. LOVE IT ??
Kevin M Tinnin
September 11, 2021
The service from the prince store was excellent, from a-z,i will definitely order again
This is Prince…
September 10, 2021
This is Prince. A review about this CD is unnecessary. I may purchase the deluxe edition as a collector’s item.
Marcy Reed
September 7, 2021
I purchased 4 cd's they are all awesome just like he was I love them all!!
Richard McMillan
September 7, 2021
Great! It reminds me of "Musicology," "3121" and "Planet Earth" (I tend to think of those albums as a trilogy) with a bit of "Rainbow Children" thrown in. (Maybe that's why he never released it in 2010? Not long after, he formed 3RDEYEGIRL and moved towards a "harder" sound; maybe he thought this album was too similar to what he'd released already and wanted to move forward.) Definitely a fun, interesting addition to your Prince library!
Ross Singletary
September 2, 2021
This cd is just a sample of Prince's genius. O am over the moon with this cd. Every track is worthy of mention. Looking forward to hearing more of his unreleased music
Eye C
August 31, 2021
I love the cd! Great sound, interesting lyrics, cool experimental stuff, great musicians, nice production! live4love, peace and b wild!
August 27, 2021
Way ahead of his time, love him
Robert Goines
August 27, 2021
Well worth the wait. Hearing this CD, I hear the history of funk, gospel, jazz and some rock. I believe that the musicianship is the best he's done. Looking forward to what's coming next. The music make feel that Prince in alive on earth hear with us and this CD was given to each as a personal blessing and a Thank You from Prince saying "Stand Up an be Strong,"
Carlos M DaSilva
August 27, 2021
Great album as expected from Prince. Keep them coming.
August 26, 2021
Listening to my CD, I'm like I've heard these songs and music before. March 21st 2011 in Columbia SC. The music was great then and now. Gosh how I miss Mr. Nelson!
August 24, 2021
Love this CD. The lyrics are so for this world today. I can understand why Prince did not want to have it released. He had a great, talent in the way he expressed his music. He saw people and things going on and it may not have been appreciated at that time. It’s sad that now that he’s gone people see this. Always remembered ??